In October 2024, The Stygian Society released 13 Haunted Nights, an inventive collection of short stories celebrating the rich history of horror. This project brought together modern authors to reimagine legendary tales of terror, blending classic themes with contemporary twists.
The Format: A Nightly Countdown to Halloween
From October 19 to 30, we released one new story every day, each inspired by a public domain horror classic. From the supernatural world of Faust to the eerie corridors of Frankenstein, these stories took the essence of timeless horror and reimagined it through the lens of modern authors.
On October 31, the full collection was released, featuring an exclusive 13th story available only in the complete edition.
A Bridge Between Past and Present
13 Haunted Nights is a perfect representaiton of our press's mission to introduce readers to classic storytelling while promoting new voices. Each story includes an introduction to the original work that inspired it, offering context for both the classic and the fresh take. Authors were invited to approach these stories in any way they wished—retelling, expanding, or reimagining characters and themes in their own unique voice.
In Collaboration with The Writing Craft Podcast
This release was created in partnership with The Writing Craft Podcast, furthering our mission to connect readers with meaningful stories and support the next generation of writers.
Whether you’re a longtime horror fan or looking for something new to enjoy at Halloween, 13 Haunted Nights offers a bold take on the genre, breathing new life into beloved tales while showcasing modern talent.